Parent Effectiveness Training Courses- Now Online!
An eight week course that will launch your parenting into the relationship you've always wanted.
with Kelly Meier

Spring Course Starting March 25
Tuesday Mornings
Eight Classes from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
March 25th - May 20th
No Class April 1st
Classes will not be recorded
12 participant limit
If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, please see this list of Instructors near you or contact me for more information.
- from puzzlement and frustration to understanding.
- from tantrums, arguments, defiance to cooperation.
- from rude indifference to initiative & responsibility.
- from anxiety and helplessness to confidence.
- from anger, hurt, resentment to respect, trust and love.
- Parents will graduate with not only solid concepts, but tangible skills to implement right away.
- Class includes active participation, group work, workbook activities and role playing for a fun, interactive experience.
The Most Common Problems Parents Face...
The Most Common Problems Parents Face...
Parent Effectiveness Training - Now Online!

An eight week course that will launch your parenting into the relationship you've always wanted.
- with Kelly Meier
Spring Course Starting March 25
Tuesday Mornings
Eight Classes from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
March 25th - May 20th
12 participant limit
No Class April 1st
If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, please see this list of Instructors near you or contact me for more information.
- from puzzlement and frustration to understanding.
- from tantrums, arguments, defiance to cooperation.
- from rude indifference to initiative & responsibility.
- from anxiety and helplessness to confidence.
- from anger, hurt, resentment to respect, trust and love.
- Parents will graduate with not only solid concepts, but tangible skills to implement right away.

No matter where you are in your parenting journey, you can learn how to raise thoughtful, independent people who can solve their own problems. With her relatable candor & practical advice Kelly Meier, Certified Instructor & Mom of 2, leads the class in a friendly, easy to apply way. Parent Effectiveness Training doesn’t blame and it doesn’t shame. Kelly believes there is no “right way” to parent only the “right way for you.” This class will help you learn how to communicate better & help you feel more confident as a parent, instill responsibility and create a nurturing family environment in which your children can thrive.
Whether you’re the parent of a toddler or a teenager, you know that parenting can be challenging–even overwhelming at times.
Unfortunately, children don’t come with an instruction manual. And, being a parent doesn’t always mean that you automatically or instinctively know what to do.
Maybe you've got a strong-willed kid that needs a little something extra, maybe you’ve been struggling with how to parent better or maybe you’ve already been parenting respectfully but feel like something is missing. This area of communication is often the missing link that can help your child feel understood and cooperative so your family can work together with everyone’s needs in mind.
Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) offers proven communication skills that work with a tangible framework that helps you stay on course. When they use these skills, parents are amazed with the dramatic improvement both in their families and in all their relationships.
P.E.T. helps stop tantrums, increases cooperation and enables children to solve their own problems. The visual aid framework helps people stay on task by easily identifying what skill to use.
P.E.T. aims to help both parents and children meet their needs, and maintain a relationship of warmth and respect.
For life.
What is P.E.T.?
Essentially, P.E.T. is a set of communication skills, embedded in a philosophy of valuing, and respect for, children. Parents learn how to:
- Recognize "who owns the problem" so you are not owning them all.
- Listen so the others feel understood.
- Parents learn to assert their needs without being permissive or overbearing. No blame and no shame!
- Handle resistance in a way that creates compassion so children will want to help you.
- How to solve conflict with collaborative problem solving so both parent and child can live with the outcome.
- Punishments and rewards will become unnecessary.
- How to share your ideas and gain influence so your children will come to you with their problems because they trust you.
- Skills for resolving values differences that are important to your family.
P.E.T. Principles
Children do not 'misbehave'
The concept that children do not 'misbehave', but instead behave simply to meet a need, is a revelation to many parents. Rather than labelling children as 'selfish', or making assumptions about their intent, P.E.T. asks that we try to understand our young person, and not take behavior personally. P.E.T. turns misbehavior around to being a problem of competing needs – parent and child’s. When we ask "What is my child trying to tell me?" We can be curious instead of furious.
Spring Course Starting Tuesday, March 25th
Introducing First Class Free!
Are you on the fence about diving into an 8 week course? If so, try your first session free, so you can get a feel for the program before committing completely.
Course Options:
Investment per Person
Take your parenting to the
next level
$45.00 Materials fee included
Shipping & Handling for course materials not included for
residents outside of the United States.
Includes weekly office hours for class members.
Investment per Couple
Take this transformative course with your partner and save!
$90.00 Materials fee included
Shipping & Handling for course materials not included for
residents outside of the United States
Includes weekly office hours for class members.
Tuesday Morning Classes Starting March 25th - May 20th
Eight Classes from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm (Pacific Standard Time)
No Class April 1st
Classes will not be recorded
6 person minimum
12 participant limit
If you are outside the U.S. and Canada, please see this list of Instructors near you or contact me for more information.

How you and your family will benefit
- Fewer power struggles, less tension, less resentment, more fun, more peace, more love.
- They will learn self-discipline, self-control and an inner sense of personal responsibility (fewer tantrums, more initiative, and independence).
- You will learn how to work with each other instead of against each other.
- You will learn how to express the impact your children’s unacceptable behaviors have on you without blaming or shaming them (less resistance, much more cooperation).
- Everyone can participate in rule-setting so all will feel motivated to comply with the rules.
- Your children will feel free to discuss their problems and concerns with you instead of withdrawing. (Less shoulder shrugging, more mutual understanding, respect)
What Others Say
Kelly has a knack for coming up with the right explanation that brings clear understanding to complex ideas. She “gets” parenting and it shines through in her class. It’s one thing to understand something, it’s another to successfully integrate into your life.

Maryann Jacobsen
Mom of two, Co-author – Fearless Feeding: How to Raise Healthy Eaters from Highchair to High school
I learned more in just a few hours of PET training with Kelly than I did taking an entire Redirecting Children’s Behavior parenting course! The methods are particularly well-suited to meet the challenges of parenting gifted children. Their sensitive and highly perceptive natures respond well to this positive and respectful approach to parenting.

Mary Ann Hawke Ph.D
Chair, GATE District Advisory Committee, San Diego Unified School District
I know this may seems like a simple principle, but it was diving much deeper into this philosophy that was a major take-away for me in Kelly’s class. The idea that some “problems” are things that I need to own was really a breakthrough. I know that using Kelly’s active listening techniques from P.E.T. work. It’s not parroting key gentle parenting phrases like things I have learned in the past either. It’s really listening to understand, which as it turns out is a pretty rad two-way street with my child. I wish I could carry Kelly in my pocket everywhere and can’t wait to take the next class in the series.
Mom of a 6 yr old
Your Opportunity is HERE
All you have to do is grab it and dig in!
Joy is just around the corner.
Become the parent you want to be.
Your Best Version of You is Waiting!

I am a mom, Certified Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor and Parent Coach in San Diego, CA .
I help parents find the balance in parenting.
Children come in all varieties of temperaments and my knack for relating to even the strongest of wills allows me to see all children, as a capable, whole people and in turn helps me guide their parents to begin to see them in a less challenging way.
I have found my passion and my purpose in teaching others how to raise thoughtful, self-aware, and independent people. I hope you will join me and take some of the “hard” out of parenting.