Hi, I’m Kelly, I am a mom, Certified Parent Effectiveness Training Instructor and Parent Coach in San Diego, CA. I help parents find the balance in parenting.
I began my career as a corporate event planner, Sales Trainer and Director of Franchise Development. Becoming a mother inspired me to slow down my busy life and stay home with my children. It was around the time my second child was born that I realized my oldest needed help adapting to this change in his life. I sought out help and found it from Lisa Sunbury Gerber, Regarding Baby and Janet Lansbury, Elevating Child Care, who eventually became my friends and mentors and inspired me to explore my gift of relating to children.
These women who are teachers of the RIE philosophy of respectful parenting founded by Magda Gerber, guided me to see my children in a new way and I became fascinated with watching them grow. It was on this path that I eventually found Parent Effectiveness Training and continued to learn how to raise children who not only trust me but whom I also trust.
Children come in all varieties of temperaments and my knack for relating to even the strongest of wills allows me to see all children, as a capable, whole people and in turn helps me guide their parents to begin to see them in a less challenging way. I have found my passion and my purpose in teaching others how to raise thoughtful, self-aware, and independent people. I hope you will come learn with me and take some of the “hard” out of parenting.
The Evolution of Respectful Parent
In 2012, a group us who closely followed Janet Lansbury formed a small forum on Facebook as a way to support each other in parenting respectfully. Our group was made up of 20 diverse women from all over the world. Together we started the blog that is today Respectful Parent. The earlier entries of the blog feature contributions from all of us. The founder and designer of the blog, Dawn Pedersen, eventually handed over management of it to Kelly as our children grew and her focus changed. The women behind Respectful Parent continue to keep in touch and support one another. Although the blog has evolved, its origins remain important. Special thanks to all the wonderful ladies who made this site possible and continue to be a sounding board.
Photo by Karen Dalton