My kids were both wanting to learn to tell time so over the summer, I wanted to help their process in a natural way. My kids usually hate any type of direct instruction like worksheets, educational activities and games – anything that even smells of an agenda and they head straight the other way. When education.com contacted me wanting to know if I’d share their blog post on telling time, it was just what I was looking for – an easy, natural and even fun way to help them tell time a little better – AND it didn’t equal more work for me! Now, if you like worksheets and activities go for it, they have those too….it’s just not what works for my family. They seem to have resources for many types of learners so here’s what we’ll be trying as soon as our learning watches arrive.
Tell Time Together Throughout the Day
With time built into the day, children have many different ways to learn and practice their time telling skills without paper and pencil. Whether it’s cooking dinner, getting ready for school, or planning a trip, within a day there are many opportunities to create a firm understanding of time. As you go throughout a day, you can easily support the concept of time with your child.
What You Need:

- Analog clock
- Child’s wristwatch
- Teach your child time vocabulary by using it yourself every day, referring to the big hand as the minute hand and the little hand as the hour hand.
- Ask your child what he can do in five minutes.
- Have him time himself by watching an analog clock.
- When getting dressed, challenge your child to watch the clock. For example, ask him to get dressed by a quarter to seven.
- Make other “deadlines” for your child, such as finishing dinner by half past six.
- Encourage your child to check his watch to keep himself on schedule.
- When planning a trip somewhere, ask your child what time you will arrive if the trip takes two hours.
- Time doesn’t need to be a tricky topic! When you incorporate it into your daily life, it becomes easier for your child to tell time.
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Did you know….. I do consults and teach classes?
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