Dr. Thomas Gordon’s, Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) was created by award-winning psychologist and three-time Nobel Peace Prize Nominee, Dr. Thomas Gordon in 1962. It is a pioneering program that has helped millions of parents around the world. We have classes offered by certified P.E.T. Instructors throughout the country and in many different countries.
Whether you’re the parent of a toddler or a teenager, you know that parenting can be challenging–even overwhelming at times. Unfortunately, children don’t come with an instruction manual. And, being a parent doesn’t always mean that you automatically or instinctively know what to do. Maybe you’ve been struggling with how to parent better or maybe you’ve already been parenting respectfully but feel like something is missing. This area of communication is often the missing link that can help your child feel understood and cooperative so your family can work together with everyone’s needs in mind.

Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) offers proven communication skills that work with a tangible framework that helps you stay on course. When they use these skills, parents are amazed with the dramatic improvement both in their families and in all their relationships. P.E.T. helps stop tantrums, increases cooperation and enables children to solve their own problems. The visual aid framework helps people stay on task by easily identifying what skill to use.
How You and Your Family Will Benefit
- You’ll experience fewer angry outbursts and more problem-solving.
- Fewer power struggles–less tension, less resentment, more fun, more peace, more love.
- They will learn self-discipline, self-control and an inner sense of personal responsibility.
- You will learn how to work with each other instead of against each other.
- Everyone can participate in rule-setting so all will feel motivated to comply with the rules.
- Your children will feel free to discuss their problems and concerns with you instead of withdrawing.
How Can P.E.T. Help You?
- Recognize ‘who owns the problem’
- Listen so the other feels understood
- Assert their needs without blaming or putting down others
- Handle conflict so both parent and child can live with the outcome – “no-lose problem solving”
- Avoid the use of punishments or rewards
- Skills for resolving values collisions
What You Will Learn
- How to resolve conflicts and problems in your family so that problems stay solved.
- A method for troubleshooting family problems and knowing which skills to use to solve them
- How to talk to your children so that they will listen to you.
- How to listen to your children so they feel genuinely understood
Download a Free Ebook for a P.E.T. overview
For a quick list of the skills you will learn visit P.E.T. on a page
To Register please visit our Classes Page
Check out the latest version of P.E.T. book* here or visit the P.E.T. website for even more information.
*now also on Audible
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