I often get asked what the long-term results are for kids raised with respect and people never seem completely satisfied with the research supporting it. They want real living proof that it works! So this summer my son agreed to do some interviews in a FaceBook group I manage. At just 9 years old, his insight and awareness are remarkable. He talks about being really listened to helps him solve problems at school, maintain friendships, process his feeling and most of all how listening without inserting judgments, suggestions or “teachable moments” into his story helps him trust me and tell me things. If you’re looking for proof, let me know what you think!
Sidenote – you will hear me talk about communication roadblocks a couple of times. Here is the definition, but basically they include anything that stops the flow of communication, like judgments, solutions or reassurances.
I am not responsible for the screen outfits chosen. That was all him!
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